Liselotte to Majo no Mori
Liselotte to Majo no Mori
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Liselotte to Majo no Mori

リーゼロッテと魔女の森; 童話魔女之森; 莉泽罗缇与魔女之森; 莉澤羅緹與魔女之森; Liselotte & Witch's Forest; Liselotte et la forêt de la sorcière (french)
Status Ongoing
  • Released 2011
  • Type Manga
    Views 11187
    Updated On

    Synopsis Liselotte to Majo no Mori

    They say that in a place far, far away; in the east, of the east, of the east… there is a forest where witches dwell. They are said to bestow blessings or inflict curses, brew potions in steaming cauldrons, practice their magic… and fly their brooms into the night sky. This is where Liselotte has decided to live, in the small chance that she may one day revisit a certain person from her past – but only if the witches don’t get to her first…


    Chapter List

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