Shitsuji-sama no Okiniiri
Shitsuji-sama no Okiniiri
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Shitsuji-sama no Okiniiri

執事様のお気に入り, 学园管家, 學園管家, 愛上管家, 我的執事王子, 我的执事王子, 爱上管家, Butler-sama's Favorite, Lớp học quản gia, Lady and Butler (French), Shitsuji-sama no Okini Iri, Shitsujisama no Okini Iri, The Fave of Mr. Butler,
Status Ongoing
  • Released 2007
  • Type Manga
    Views 7563
    Updated On

    Synopsis Shitsuji-sama no Okiniiri

    After the death of her parents, Himura Ryou is taken in by grandparents and starts to attend the super elite high school, Souseikan Gakuen. Ryou gets lost within the school's spacious area and it leads her to a guy wearing tuxedo. He is Kanzawa Hakuou who attends the butler training course [B (Butler) Class] knowing that Ryou is...?!


    Chapter List

    No Chapters yet!
