Class Saiyasune de Urareta Ore wa, Jitsu wa Saikyou Parameter
Class Saiyasune de Urareta Ore wa, Jitsu wa Saikyou Parameter
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Class Saiyasune de Urareta Ore wa, Jitsu wa Saikyou Parameter

I was Sold at the Lowest Price in My Class, However My Personal Parameter is the Most Powerful, クラス最安値で売られた俺は、実は最強パラメーター
Status Ongoing
Author RYOMA (II)
Type Manga
Views 4616
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Synopsis Class Saiyasune de Urareta Ore wa, Jitsu wa Saikyou Parameter

『最安値』の奴隷から、少年は英雄と成る! 最強ロボットファンタジー!

クラスメイトもろとも別世界に飛ばされた少年・勇太。そこは、人が内包する特殊な力「ル-ディア」で「魔導機」と呼ばれる人型機械を運用している異世界で、値の高い傾向にある地球人を召喚し、使役していた。多くの仲間たちが高値で買われていく中、勇太のル-ディア値はたったの“2”……。「最安値」で買われ、奴隷に身をやつす勇太だったが、白き魔導機『アルレオ』との出会いが彼を強者へ覚醒させ――!? クラス最安値の奴隷から、世界を揺るがす最強の英雄となる新生異世界メカバトルエンタメ開幕!

During and school trip, the bus of the 2nd year class 3 with 32 people was summoned to another world… we were gonna be sold to become pilots of robot like magical weapons, but it looks like the values of the selling prices were decided by the values of some unknown parameter called Ludia (ルーディア)… While some classmates got high prices with parameters of 10,000 or 20,000, my parameters were actually 2… really unbelievable… but actually my parameter’s value made the measuring machine’s needle perform a full turn but no one noticed it… Though I had the strongest parameters… nobody bought me and was actually exchanged as an slave for two fruits.


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