Hazimarino Yakouressya
Hazimarino Yakouressya
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Hazimarino Yakouressya

はじまりの夜行列車; はじまりのやこうれっしゃ; Hazimari no Yakou Ressya ; Hazimarino Yakouressya;
Status Completed
  • Released 2014
  • Author Kirero
    Type Manga
    Views 7021
    Updated On

    Synopsis Hazimarino Yakouressya

    In a certain barren station, a lonely, strange girl waits for a train, but one never stops. Although she doesn't know where she came from, she watches the trains go by everyday. Her only wish is to talk with a human.

    For her wish to come true, the girl decides to become a train conductor.


    Chapter List

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