Iburigurashi - いぶり暮らし
Iburigurashi - いぶり暮らし
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Iburigurashi - いぶり暮らし

いぶり暮らし ; Iburi Gurashi ; Iburi-Gurashi : I Bu Ri Gu Ra Shi
Genres Seinen, Cooking
Status Ongoing
  • Released 2014
  • Type Manga
    Views 6606
    Updated On

    Synopsis Iburigurashi - いぶり暮らし

    Meguru and Yoriko have been living together for almost three years now.

    Once a week on Sundays, the only days both of them are free from work, they enjoy cooking delicious smoked food. Smoked dumplings, smoked beefsteaks, smoked cookies or smoked chicken - waiting for the stuff to get nice and smoky, they relax, drink beer and have nice conversations.

    "Iburigurashi" is a gourmet manga for smoked food aficionados.


    Chapter List

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