Momo to Botan to Yuri no Hana
Momo to Botan to Yuri no Hana
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Momo to Botan to Yuri no Hana

桃と牡丹と百合の花 桃子 牡丹 百合花 ; Momo, Botan & Lily Blossoms ; Momo, Botan and Lily Blossoms
Status Ongoing
  • Released 2010
  • Type Manga
    Views 10416
    Updated On

    Synopsis Momo to Botan to Yuri no Hana

    In a certain town there is a slightly odd maid café named Sasanqua. The most popular maid in the shop, Botan, has just received a love confession from the new girl, Momo, and can't help but have Momo on her mind. W-w-w-w-what if this is love!? E-even though we're both girls!? Why am I having these feelings!? This is a clashing-style maid café love (?) comedy.


    Chapter List

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