Seitokai Osayagami Sayuri wa Ganbatte Iru!
Seitokai Osayagami Sayuri wa Ganbatte Iru!
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Seitokai Osayagami Sayuri wa Ganbatte Iru!

生徒会副会長矢上さゆりは頑張っている!; Seitokai Fuku Kaichō Yagami Sayuri wa Ganbatteiru!; Seitokai Osayagami Sayuri wa Ganbatteiru!; The Student Council Vice President Osayagami Sayuri is Trying Her Best!; The New Heroine Is Sperb Masochistic Masked Girl, Here comes "The Mystic Heart".
Status Completed
  • Released 2014
  • Type Manga
    Views 84097
    Updated On

    Synopsis Seitokai Osayagami Sayuri wa Ganbatte Iru!

    Yagami Sayuri is the student council vice president, and her demanding president hates the fact that boys are in their school at all. There is a school legend that if a maiden offers her panties to the goddess statue in the courtyard, the goddess will help solve her problems. The actual problem-solving power, though, is with the student council, which monitors the statue's panty offerings.

    The president often insists Sayuri help solve the girls' problems in her secret identity of "Mystic Heart," a scantily clad protector of the school's peace. Most of the students just think of 'Mystic Heart' as a masochistic pervert. Sayuri usually ends up naked and humiliated in front of boys, and the shame helps her transform into her sadistic personality. In this form, she can beat up the boys and pee on them. The student council helps girls through many troubles, from misunderstandings between friends to peeping toms.


    Chapter List

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