Jishou! Heibon Mazoku no Eiyuu Life: B-kyuu Mazoku na no ni Cheat Dungeon wo Tsukutte shimatta Kekka
Jishou! Heibon Mazoku no Eiyuu Life: B-kyuu Mazoku na no ni Cheat Dungeon wo Tsukutte shimatta Kekka
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Jishou! Heibon Mazoku no Eiyuu Life: B-kyuu Mazoku na no ni Cheat Dungeon wo Tsukutte shimatta Kekka

Jishou! Heibon Mazoku no Eiyuu Life: B-kyuu Mazoku nano ni Cheat Dungeon wo Tsukutteshimatta Kekka, Self-proclaimed ordinary demon's heroic life: The result of him creating a cheat dungeon, even though he's supposedly a B-grade demon, The Hero Life of a (Self-Proclaimed) "Mediocre" Demon!, 자칭! 평범한 마족의 영웅 라이프 ~B급 마족인데 치트 던전을 만든 결과~, 自称! 平凡魔族の英雄ライフ~, 自称! 平凡魔族の英雄ライフ~B級魔族なのにチートダンジョンを作ってしまった結果~, 自称!平凡魔族的英雄生活~, 自稱!平凡魔族的英雄生活~明明是B級魔族卻創造了作弊級地下城的結果~
Status Ongoing
Type Manga
Views 4436
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Synopsis Jishou! Heibon Mazoku no Eiyuu Life: B-kyuu Mazoku na no ni Cheat Dungeon wo Tsukutte shimatta Kekka

魔王城にある、魔族の学校に入学した”自称”平凡な魔族の少年・クロノ。田舎出身のクロノが新たな生活に心が弾む。だけどクラス分け試験の「ダンジョン制作」で、思い描いていた未来が一変して……!? 「小説家になろう」発人気ラノベをコミカライズ!充実のファンタジー・学園ライフが始まる!

Chrono Alcon, a young demon, traveled from his small village to study at a prestigious school connected to the Demon King’s Castle itself. Determined to keep his country-bumpkin status a secret, he tries to keep a low profile … but when his groundbreaking performance in his first test attracts the attention of not only his (gorgeous) classmates, but the Demon King herself … Chrono realizes his dreams of a “happy, normal school life” may die in the dungeons … just like him!


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