豹、牛、狼、そして龍――半人半獣の神人(じにん)たちに分割統治される「ヒノアルチ」の龍神峡(りゅうじんきょう)に、ヒトの姿と龍の左手を持つ者、カムナが突如生まれ落ちた。反目する数々の神人たちの中、運命の子・カムナは「最初のヒト」として世界を切り拓いてゆくーー 「ゼルダの伝説」コミカライズの担い手が贈る、世界の起源のファンタジー
Before humans claimed their place in history, the skybound paradise of Hinoaruchi was ruled by demi-beings—creatures that appeared half human, half beast. The realm flourishes under the tenuous peace maintained by the demi-dragons of Ryujinkyo, until prophecy predicts the dawn of a new era shrouded in uncertainty. With the fate of the world hanging in the balance, will the birth of Kamuna, the first human child, bring disaster or salvation? (Viz Media)