Kouritsu Kuriya Madoushi, Daini no Jinsei de Madou o Kiwameru
Kouritsu Kuriya Madoushi, Daini no Jinsei de Madou o Kiwameru
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Kouritsu Kuriya Madoushi, Daini no Jinsei de Madou o Kiwameru

Kouritsuchuu Madoushi, Daini no Jinsei de Madou o Kiwameru, Kouritsuchuu Madoushi, Daini no Jinsei de Madou wo Kiwameru, Le mage maîtrisera la magie efficacement dans sa seconde vie, The Mage Will Master Magic Efficiently in His Second Life, Маг освоит магию эффективней в своей второй жизни, 効率厨魔導師、第二の人生で魔導を極める, 效率厨魔导师
Status Ongoing
Type Manga
Views 1822
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Synopsis Kouritsu Kuriya Madoushi, Daini no Jinsei de Madou o Kiwameru

一生をかけた修業の末、緋系統魔導師最高位の称号を手にした主人公、ゼフ=アインシュタイン。その翌年に開発された才能測定の魔導で自分を調べたところ、なんと緋系統の才能が最も低かった……。鍛える魔導を間違えて年を重ねた悔しさを胸に、彼は時間をさかのぼる魔導を編み出す。かくして、中身が老人のまま少年時代に戻ったゼフ。勝気な“天才魔導少女”ミリィや、イケメン少女剣士クロードといった仲間たちと冒険を重ね、今度こそ効率的に魔導を極めることができるのか――!? 第7回「アルファポリスファンタジー小説大賞」大賞受賞作、満を持してコミカライズ!

Zeff Einstein spent his whole life mastering red magic and was finally recognized for it, yet a new spell that was soon created revealed that his talent for red magic was his lowest. Bitter at the thought of all his wasted effort, he creates a spell to send his old self back in time to his younger body and together with the determined “genius” mage Milly and the handsome swordswoman Claude, he intends to master magic more efficiently this time.


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