The Reincarnated Granny Won’t Look Away! – The Second Life of the Former Tyrannical Empress
The Reincarnated Granny Won’t Look Away! – The Second Life of the Former Tyrannical Empress
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The Reincarnated Granny Won’t Look Away! – The Second Life of the Former Tyrannical Empress

Tensei Babaa wa Misugosenai!: Moto Akutoku Jotei no Nishuume Life, 転生ババァは見過ごせない! ~元悪徳女帝の二周目ライフ~
Status Ongoing
Type Manga
Views 2849
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Synopsis The Reincarnated Granny Won’t Look Away! – The Second Life of the Former Tyrannical Empress

恐怖政治により、国を治めていたラウラリス・エルダヌス。彼女の人生は、勇者に討たれ幕を閉じた。――はずだったのだが、三百年後、見た目は少女・中身はババァで元女帝が大復活!? 自らの死をもって世界に平和をもたらしたラウラリスを称え、神様が人生やり直しのチャンスをくれたらしい。第二の人生は平穏気ままに暮らしたいが、いつの世にも悪い奴らはいるもので……。悪を見過ごせない最凶少女の爽快ファンタジーが、待望のコミカライズ!

Lauraris Eldanus ruled the country with an iron fist. The end to her reign of terror came by the hand of a hero…or so it should have been. However, three hundred years later, the former empress makes her grand reappearance in the form of a young maiden. And yet, the person inside is the same old granny?! Apparently, God gave her a second chance as thanks for the peace that was brought about by her own death.

With her second chance, she desires a peaceful life, and yet the world seems to still be filled with bad apples. This is the long-awaited comicalization of the exhilarating fantasy of the strongest girl who can’t overlook evil!

